How is online schooling been for everyone? Is anyone actually retaining information or is everyone just lost? On the other side how are people in schooling doing, what's it like, has it been a nightmare?
It's been terrible most of the time i just record the class and listen to it at 2x speed while going to sleep. Extremely hard to follow when you are home and could be doing something else.
I have a feeling alot of people are going to learn much. My brother has class for one period everyday for 1 hr. That ain’t much compared to what you’d get before.
I haven't found much difference in online courses pre pandemic. I guess the expectations and the quality of the exams are harder in comparison but material is material however you look at it
My grades say I meowing pretty well but I definitely do feel like the Information retention just isn’t there, it’s just the environment that prevents it
I absolutely hate it, feels like I'm just submitting assignments instead of learning anything. Most of my professors at least put in some effort to do short recorded lectures but one of them straight up doesn't do lectures (live or recorded), give us Powerpoints or other handouts, and just expects us to read from the book every week and do our weekly assignment :/
I can see the upsides and downsides to it. I get distracted easily by playing on my phone during meetings. Also, it is easily to look up answers even if the test is timed