Online courses?
Need a quick intro and practice with Typescript. Any suggestions on sites for a good/quick course? Plenty out there like Udemy and Coursera but was wondering what experience people actually had one with them?

Do you think online is better than in person? For me i’m having trouble learning online, it just feels like i have a better understanding learning in person.

Well given the current situation in person isn't an option. Plus a lot of it will be self learning and online documentation reading. So it's better practice for the future not to rely on another person

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Honestly Udemy is hands down the best, I’ve picked up many languages/frameworks because of courses on there. I would check some of the previews for typescript courses, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

I feel like you can learn alot from others. Thats why i like it. For everything you have to teach yourself but having insight/good advice is always good.

+1 for Udemy. I've purchased some courses from there in the past, they're great!

Udemy is good, not sure but you can try Skillshare too? Its a good alternative imo

I recommend coursera and udemy tok

I have had good experiences with Udemy learning python though