Onlyfans "Ripper"?
I was curious what everyone who exports their Onlyfans subscriptions is using, it seems to have some nice folder structure for posts/stories, etc. I was hoping to use it into the future as well. thank you

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RE: Onlyfans "Ripper"?.

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(12-05-2021, 06:42 AM)arch0515 Wrote:

RE: Onlyfans "Ripper"?.

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I'm having a hell of a time setting this up. its reading like the service manual to the space shuttle, lol. any help?
Many people use this (including me). Requires some basic computer experience; or patience to learn the basics. You're not exactly "programming", you're using a tool that a programmer built. There is no "easy mode" because no one getting paid Facebook tier salary to make this. He's not even getting paid -- it's completely free.

There are written guides out there. I think there's even a video guide somewhere. Good luck m8

Thanks for that! Will help me post some stuff

thank youuuuu

thanks fam you are the best

thank you fam you are the best family

Thanks, good idea!

Thanks bros, i will try it

thanks fam you are the best

Thanks fam, you rock!


