Opinion about Space Exploration?
I think its really important and that we should give agencies like NASA and ESA more money.

Why do I think its important? Because Humanity needs a back-up plan! And because Investment in Space Tech has and will further develop the Technology we currently have.

Whats do you think? Is it a waste of money or has a lot of benefits for us?



I think it’s honestly the last option. We’re running out of time and having these companies explore space will only benefit the potential escape of humanity from the burning embers that they’ve caused lol

[+] 1 user Likes tiktokjac lop's post
No one is funding NASA, haha, that's the truth.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Our government not only lies to us about our own space exploration activities, but suppresses the space exploration done by previous civilizations in our own history.
Fun fact: there's a US diplomatic cable on Wikileaks, dated 1979, that states that a certain group destroyed our secret moon base that year.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Its not in the social consciousness enough so the general public doesnts care. Like were talking about people with the attention span of seconds who just want to be force fed information through Facebook/Twitter. For them it's hard to care about humanity's future when they can watch some stupid video on TikTok or some political rant.

[+] 1 user Likes Omega Samurai's post
>Its not in the social consciousness enough so the general public doesnts care.
Yeah it is. Been in the social conscious since Blade Runner. Who doesn't want to move off world?

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
I am excited for blade runner... hopefully it will be great

We waste more money elsewhere. Might as well spend it on something positive in the long run

We waste so much money in other places that this should be the least of our worries

>We waste so much money in other places that this should be the least of our worries
I sometimes think that NASA is the black budget for either Skunk Works or the Air Farce.

personally a fan but there are other things to do first, probably