Opinions on graduate school
is graduate school worth going to? If one is considering a professional degree (not a phd)

It can be worth it when companies are preferring to hire those with better degrees. Just make sure that you know what you really want and make the most out of your experiences.

Really depends on what you are studying and the reputation/prestige of the University

Really depends on the industry. Certainly STEM Masters degrees will open doors.

Whats your field? im a cs kid and im getting mixed messages from everyone abt grad school

If your undergrad degree is human or social sciences, it's better to get a masters degree (atleast in my country) in order to land a job. Otherwise, not really worth it unless you really want to

It may be worth it if your company will pay for it. Though it seems that's becoming more and more rare these days, unfortunately.

It's helpful if you got some random soft degree, don't go get some random Masters from South-Eastern Coastal Utah University