Opinions on no porn/no fap
Erotic material is obviously the theme of this website. But what do you guys think about no porn/no fap?

I think I would be way more productive

Going from one extreme to another doesn't always tend to be the best option. If an activity becomes addictive/destructive in your life, you can develop the inner strength to control yourself to a point where it isn't damaging. This comes from an introspective capability and self-understanding/mastery, so that those feelings don't control you and make you take things too far.

Running away from the problem and ignoring it only gives in to fear/anxiety of encountering it in the future, leaving an unresolved issue and a traumatic trigger. Porn/masturbation is a consequence of the basic human need of love. Not being able to fulfill that need in the physical world is what makes people turn to the psychic level/fantasy to acquire that energy. When done in moderation and responsibly, even something seen as bad can be productive and a source of self-development; whereas something seen as good, when taken to an extreme, can become toxic/destructive.

It's all about finding the right balance in life. Simply treating things in absolutes, through an unbalanced dichotomy, goes against that principle, and can also lead to decadence.

[+] 1 user Likes Seraph1's post
As everything the problem is when is extreme. Watch porno 24/7 and fap all the time is an addiction and is harmful but seeing some porno and masturbate once or twice a day is kinda normal (and some day even more), specially in teens without a relationship.

And it's more that possible in an healthy relationship to still see porno or/and masturbate as people got different sex drives and sometimes you simply are not in the mood or you are really horny and can't wait for the other for sex or just want to warm up Wink

Going to agree with above, there's a difference between an addiction and just getting off once in a while. The first is harmful, the second is fine. Only time I would be concerned is if you find that you can get aroused by porn but are having problems in real life... but there are so many potential causes to that, so just deciding to quit porn is not necessarily the answer.

[+] 1 user Likes Mikezero's post
Yeah you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect your regular life. I used to overdo it when I was younger so had some issues in relationships with performing. But right now I know how often I can do it and still perform.

Try it out and think about how the change affects you. Honestly, holding yourself back a bit could help with your mentality and other things like others have mentioned.

worth a try every once in a while, it ain't healthy being on sites like this

You should try it for ten mins every once in a while

[+] 1 user Likes Dslg01's post
Moderation in everything, wanking is great but I think once a day ia the cap you shouldn't break at least normally

If you're at the point where masturbation and porn start to interfere with your life, doing no porn and no fap gives you a good reset and helps you reestablish a sense of self control and moderation. Mind you don't go to where people actually discuss 'NoFap' since they end up just applying a cult mentality, just do it by yourself and keep in mind that rather than masturbating try doing something productive like studying or working out

I think it all depends on your perspective. To be honest, I think some nofappers completely overglorify abstinence, but if it gives them actual benefits, good on them, no harm no foul. I've read about it and I've seen so many mixed responses, so it's hard to come to a general consensus other than what I just said. It just sucks no research came about health benefits nofap has.

A balanced life is a good life, moderation and control allow for responsible enjoyment of many activities or hobbies.

As long as you make sure you're not addicted to whacking off all the time, there's nothing wrong with fapping.
The problem usually comes with adult content sites, who provide constant porn every single day.
It's perfectly fine to jack off whenever you feel like it, but try to do so without any porn for once, that's what makes it addictive