Oscar best movie predictions
I think 1917 will win it. Wby?

1917, for sure, that movie is awesome

1917 is getting a lot of buzz, I hope it takes home a lot of awards.

the joker obviously!!!!

the joker will probably take it

1917 for best movie and joker for best actor

Joker was definitely the best movie I saw last year. Didn't see 1917 so can't say my opinion on that.

I don't know, and i don't care to be honest. Oscars are bcoming more of a joke each year

1917 was a really good one

1917,Joker and Uncut Gems such good films man..

1917 is the winner this year it is typical award bait

Joker sucked. Oscars are more about being pretentious than awarding movies people actually like

Joker was good but not 1917 good tbh

Didn't get to see 1917 but I did see Joker, so for me that would be where my vote goes. But honestly I think these award shows are all pretty bleh, so who wins or doesn't win doesn't matter to me. I just hope to see a movie nominated that I didn't know about so I can put it on my queue.

I loved joker kind of felt like that movie was a big thing for a hot minute then disappeared.

1917 and joker

1917 and joker

Hope it's not the joker, it wasn't as good as people say. Kinda dissapointed :/