Oscars 2021
Did u watch the oscars 2021? What do u think of the winners? And also all the actors not wearing masks and no social distances

Didn't watch it because it was a shit show. And it showed that the rules apply to us commoners, not those with power and fame.

The Oscars have been becoming more and more irrelevant as the time goes on.

Why would anyone continue to watch this garbage is beyond me.

F no I didn't watch this BS. Who really cares what a bunch of whiney, plastic face pussies are crying about on TV?

I did watch them. It was good, but I didn't like the fact that they weren't using mask/doing social distancing, it was an unnecesary risk

not watched the oscars in about ten years as the academy are fucking insane with some of there pics to win an award, however i did just see the father and yea anthony hopkins deserved best actor.

oscars this year were pretty boring and lame...  Sad

Not wearing masks bother for me, it was an unnecesary risk I think