Any predictions?

Looks like a Nomadland sweep for Best Picture, Director, Adapted Screenplay, Cinematography. Maybe Best Actress though Carrie Mulligan seems like the favorite.

2 Asian winners for Best Picture and Director for 2 years in a row is pretty historic IMO

oscar the grouch

Best Picture really seems like a tossup to me, expecting Mank but wouldn't be surprised if Judas+BM or PYW won either

best actress is really the only category thats wide open. i could see carey, viola or frances winning. everything else is predictable

Whatever happens, whoever wins will have bribed their way into it. All of the awards shows are like this now.

Where award shows ever worth anything I was never really into them?

They're fun if you've seen the movies, otherwise not really

if you guys dint check, go for DRUK best movie so far!!!!

PC again, will only get worse