Outer Wilds - Recommended
I just recently played the Outer Wilds and thought it was pretty alright.  I enjoy puzzle games and I also enjoy exploration games so the combination of Puzzle and Exploration is always a good thing in my book.

For those that don't know anything about it (which is probably ideal for this sort of game) the jist of it:
You are the first of your species to have an instant translation device for a species language that used to live in the same solar system as your species.  You fly around the solar system and read the writings that they have left behind.

Knowing much more than that can lead to spoilers.  I highly recommend it to anyone who likes exploration or puzzle games.  The less you know going in the better I'd say.

If anyone else has played it feel free to say if you enjoyed it or recommend it to others as well.

I loved this game. The way it threw you straight in without any handholding and you had to discover what to do and what was going on all on your own.

Currently playing through Subnautica which is similar in that regard, but lacks the one game mechanic from Outer Wilds which makes it so engaging.

[+] 1 user Likes Jonky2196's post
How's the story narrative? I'm capable of playing it free via xbox game pass thing on pc but I'm not sure if I want to timesink into Outer Wilds quite yet