Overwatch still worth buying?
Is it still worth buying Overwatch or is it better to wait for Overwatch 2?

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Unless you have friends to play with I'd just wait. Overwatch has been in a dull state for awhile imo.

If overwatch 2 is close by, i'd say go for overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 made absolutely zero sense for them to make, it apparently only adds the story mode and a few new characters and you can play the same multiplayer with people who only have Overwatch?

Yea, Overwatch has become quite monotonous. Atleast competitively.

I think wait for overwatch 2 there hasnt been any hype for  overwatch in a long time because there hasnt been anything new and exciting.

Personally no unless you have friends to play with, game is pretty boring and dull at its current state

Definitely not

Depends. If you like the game.. XD actually its not,
Theres free games out there which is very similar to overwatch. I recommend you playing csgo with cheaters. Its the best game and experience you will have. Hence you will go against cheaters but if you win them. You will feel satisfied and great.

no it's not worth