PS4 vs Xbox
who you got? I like Xbox tbh

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xbox all the way

You know, I was really into Playstation at first. I changed over to Xbox because they seemed better at the online aspect, plus seamless updates/patches. Sony seems to be getting better though; I may have to take another look when the new one comes out in he next year or two

Gotta be ps4, most xbox exclusives come to the pc anyway

Robertzimmer Wrote:who you got? I like Xbox tbh
Grew up with PlayStation and PS2, bought original Xbox when it launched because of Halo and haven’t switched since. Xbox 360 and Now the XB1, just waiting for the new Xbox now!

Was an xbox fan boy for years but recently bought a ps4, I'm loving it, as its a nice change. Still love the xbox tho

Went PS1 > PS2 > Xbox 360 > Xbox One > PS4.

Loving the PS4.

I've got both and they're great

Both are good

Ps4 has more games tbh

penisacik Wrote:PS4 BRO Smile
Better exclusives yeah

i like both from xbox froza motersports to god of war. but lets be serious pc master race :p

I prefer the PS4 exclusives

Never liked the xbox controller. PS over here

xbox is better

Playstation my preference

PS4 now PS5 for later

playstation for life.

ps4 is my preference

PS4 for sure