PS5 pros and cons digital vs. physical
Just bought a ps5 and was thinking about the pros and cons of owning the disc drive option seeing as I spent a lot of money on it. I outlined a few pros and cons that I found owning it for 1 day now.

1. prices of physical copies of games work out to be a lot cheaper than its digital version
2. graphics slightly improved with disc option
3. sentiments owning the actual game itself


1. Release date for anticipated games are launched much later than digital
2. Slightly Bulkier 
3. Much more expensive 

Anyone know of any other pros and cons owning one that contains A disc drive?

Owning your own discs makes selling them and 2nd hand the best

This! You can buy PS5 games and sell them (providing you don't want the trophies) for a little bit of return cash.