Pandemic Update Thread
What's it looking like for you guys - how're your local or federal governments handling it? Any burning desires once the restrictions are largely gone? I've always lived in a smaller area and kept to myself, so it's hard to say my day-to-day was shaken up by it.

I know there are a lot of conspiracy over the virus but I think it was man made for population control but got out of hand

Everyone is mad at their respective state governments, except for those in Texas and Florida, because those are the only two states that said no more to the Plandemic bullshit. Mine just extended their bullshit because they love power. No one is sick, and the only people wearing masks are normies. Even Walmart isn't enforcing masks anymore, except for their slav- umm, I mean, employees. The Communists' plot to take over this world is falling apart.

And just because you should know: it looks like the whole Covid bullshit is related to 5G bullshit, so those of you who got the jabs, you're kinda fucked when they use 5G against you. The dirty secret about 5G is that it doubles as a weapon.

I'm vaccinated, and CDC has their own guidelines, but all in all, everyone's mad at whatever is happening. Then you have antivaxxers, etc, so all in all, it makes no difference to me.

I got vaccinated awhile back. Restrictions and lockdowns never really affected me in terms of lifestyle since I'm home most of the time. My government is handling the situation very well and I would say most of the citizens are very compliant, although there will always be the few bad apples in the bunch that refuse to wear masks and pick fights with authorities over it.

I'm pretty keen for gyms to reopen since weightlifting is the only physical activity I do. I feel like I'm in a slump whenever I stop exercising for long periods.

Yeah, covid has really necessitated some creative workarounds for exercise if you didn't have a homegym. Have you taken up exercise at home or are you just waiting for gyms to open?