Pandemic related movies
If you're gonna spend your time in quarantine might as well educate yourself with some movies right?!

1 - Quarantine
2 - Contagion
3 - Outbreak
4 - Carriers

z nation can be fine

a film is world war z

Contagion without a doubt, it just so accurate. Like as we can see, it could really happen.

I’ve seen Contagion, but not the other three. Guess I’ll check them out.

Train to Busan is a really interesting foreign outbreak/zombie film!

Containment on Netflix is also a good series related to this topic

28 days later is a classic at this point

All the movies listed so far are really good. The general atmosphere is also trending post-apocalyptic/zombie as well apart from the typical virus/bacteria outbreak

It's eerie how elements from Contagion are seen today. Although their virus wasn't very realistic, any virus that is that deadly wouldn't actually spread so quickly since it would kill people before it has the chance to spread.