21-07-2020, 10:20 AM
If there's someone out there like me recently who's kinda just stuck doing nothing, hopefully this catches your attention! It sucks not many people are hiring so I guess a lot of people are just feeling like they're in a lull for a majority of the day. I put this together to share what I get up to/did so far to make the days go by faster, whether it's doing something productive or just having fun.
- Go for a walk early in the morning (if you're awake), it's simple but really makes you feel better for the rest of the day - least it does for me.
- Cook something unusual up for yourself, getting delivery a lot isn't too healthy.
- Play some games or read a book, or anything else you feel like you can get invested in.
- Learn a skill that might be useful down the road - I've taken up coding and done some pretty silly stuff with it so far. Maybe learn a spoken language too?
- Keep in touch with your friends! Tech is in a good place right now to where you don't really have to go out to be in reach of your pals.
- Home improvement if you've got the resources to do so, or maybe just redecorate an area of your house, or even just your room.
- Keep things clean - also simple but apparently your mood improves in a better environment.