Phone radiation
Do you guys believe in phone radiation? I sleep with my phone next to my head and not sure if it’s a good idea haha

I don't know all the specifics, but given all that your phone is connected to I'm sure it gives off some sort of radiation, so I'm sure you'd be safer if you kept if farther away from your head.

Bro your microwave has more radiation than your phone

I think there’s a certain amount of radiation, though it should be pretty small and within the regulations. But still Better to play it safe as u won’t know about the accumulated effects in the long run!

Whats the difference with phone by your head and phone in your pocket?

Yes, but not sure if it is enough to matter. I'm more concerned with Bluetooth.

I do think that mobile devices give off very minute amounts of radiation, but I don't think it's enough to cause any amount of serious harm to you. Though I wouldn't recommend holding a Note 4 next to your head.

What about wearing wireless airbuds?

Everything produces radiation, but if you don't feel comfortable with your phone being that near you, you can probably charge it further away from you as you sleep.

Even if it does, it probably doesn't matter given the background radiation we already receive day to day lmao

it is not that great, there are studies that show a decrease in life expectancy