Physical activities to do during quarantine?
Wondering if you guys have ideas for what to do for exercise during quarantine. I've been spending a lot of time on my PC which probably isn't for the best so I've tried doing some working out with body weight but it's tough for me to keep it up.

Any suggestions?

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go outside for a jog - anything is better than nothing

I second that, as long as you are allowed to go outside that is.

Running is a great way to work out and get the blood flowing. Don't worry about distance or time, that will come at a later point. Make sure you start slow, and then go even slower. I recommend starting with a C25K (Couch to 5K) app if you are not a regular running.

Do the press up challenge

Just been running a lot

You'd still be staring at a screen but doing those fitness dance classes that are online is a pretty fun way to exercise and let off steam.

Just do a 30 minute walk everyday, or if you wanted a bit more, there is many phone apps out there where you can set fitness levels etc and it'll give you a basic routine to do for 30 days. I've been using one, only takes maybe 10-15 minutes a day but it keeps things moving at least!

I regularly turn from one side of the bed to the other side...

Bodyweight movements aren't that hard. Look up r/bodyweightfitness on Reddit or Red Delta Project on Youtube. I learnt to finally do Handstand Push Ups this year by simply following progressions.

go out for runs

Mountain biking

cycling. follow a youtube class such as boxing