(PlayStation / Xbox) What is the most comfortable control?
I prefer Xbox, i've used both the PlayStation i think the triggers are big and umcomfortable.
What's your favorite?

definitely PS, i like the symmetric controller. the left stick being where the directional pad is is weird for me

Xbox controller definitely feels more comfortable to me, it is quite a bit heavier than the PS controller though.

[+] 1 user Likes Dmtry1's post
PS for special games

Xbox controller is pretty nice but the ps4 controller feels less cheap compared to the one that comes with the one. Anything is better than the ps3 controller though.

PS4 controller for me! The Xbox controller is just a bit weird for me, I just play better with the PS4 controller

I have tiny hand so ps is the beat for me

[+] 1 user Likes Adrian Rian's post
I prefer the xbox controller, the analog on the left hand feels more comfortable to use.

never had xbox so im biased but the new dual sensse looks amazing

I played both and I prefer the Xbox because of size and the the grip feels better for me as well as the analog sticks being more comfortable for me now

[+] 1 user Likes gred farer's post
having used both, I'd say XBOX has better ergonomics and general feel while PS has the superior D-pad

I like ps4 controller compared to xbox 1, when resting hands on the ps4 controller it just feels more comfortable

playstation all the way