Pokemon Sword/Shield
What did you think about Pokemon Sword/Shield I honestly was immensely dissapointed, Gamefreak can make way better games, the graphics look like it was made for 3ds, the content is almost non existent,
when you compare it to zelda breath of the wild that was released 3 years ago the gap is immense.

I heard it was a downgrade. And from the gameplay I have seen it looks like it’s bad.

the game was extremely stale compared to older versions of pokemon

honestly a lot was lacking and having the wild area sucked the fun out of looking for certain pokemon

Fun game, just feels like it super rushed

I agree with Synder.
If they add more (like the expansion) it could fill the game up more

It's a good game if you go into it with no expectations. If you expect it to be as goon as Gen 3 or 4 games you will be disapointed. If you only expect to have some fun with a bunch of new pokemon its alright.,

gamefreak must pay for its crimes

I have been on the fence about getting it, but most people seem to agree that it really didn't add much of anything new to the series. Pokemon as a whole has been getting rather stale, they add barely anything new each game, with diminishing returns imo. They should start looking at other types of games to make with the IP, and expand out a little bit. They have a solid market of children with the newer games, as well as mid 20's and 30's people that grew up with the original games and still enjoy the series.

Tbh, I understand why people didn't enjoy the games because of nat dex controversy and game freaks laziness, but all that aside I thoroughly enjoyed playing through the games. I fell in love with the new region and new pokemon, and would play through it again blind if I could. hope in the future, GF fixes all the mistakes that are keeping these games from being the very best like no one ever was