Porn as performance--explaining popularity of leaked bb and similar sites
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Porn as performance--explaining popularity of leaked bb and similar sites.

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---- newsweek DOT com / porn-star-porn-sex-not-real-sex- 1607859) that discuss how porn is really a non-realistic performance and what looks good does not really feel good--things like that

I think this explains why leaks have become so is that you see someone really enjoying, though maybe it is also a type of performance.

What do you think?

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
I had a theatre class that delved into porn as performance and not as fap material. One of the things we watched was this way out in space abstract art video that was basically porn. And it included hardcore. And this was at a well-known uni. This was also a major thing during the Weimar Republic.

So, the question is: Is porn a performance art, or simply degeneracy?

[+] 2 users Like olichan12's post
There cannot be degenerate performances?

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
There cannot be degenerate performances?
Depends on how you define the word, "art". Is art supposed to be uplifting, exciting, comforting, or give any other positive feeling? Or is art supposed to be negative - porn, brutalism, socialist realism, etc?

[+] 2 users Like olichan12's post
I see what you mean...just always seemed so personal to me, what is art and what isn't

[+] 2 users Like samw34099's post
There is legit nude art out there, and it's good stuff. The human body is a beautiful thing, and it should be artistically shown. Art is supposed to be a good thing. But dressing up your average porn as art is like taking a shit and calling it art. Which some artists have gotten away with.

There is dark art, too. Like when Van Gogh chopped off his ear cuz of that girl rejecting him. (Guess he was an incel like the rest of us lol.) There are also paintings of the destruction of cities, etc.

There is also evil art. Like I said, brutalism & socialist realism, but there is also dadaism, and then there's that evil shit made by Marina Abrahamovic.

In other words, art has a wide range. But you can't dress up shit as art because you can't create anything else.

[+] 2 users Like olichan12's post