[Porn games] What are you looking for besides the obvious?
Been playing a few games on Nutaku and I started to notice something : I'm not doing it for the porn part anymore for the most part.

I'm mostly on Harem Heroes these days (Nutaku version of Hentai Heroes) and I'm actually really in for collecting (of course, in those F2P games), but also for the decent-to-good humor.
Also, while a lot of those F2P offer some sort of "exchanging messages" function to create cheap content, and while most are quickly deviating from it because it's a constrain and writing cliché discussions, I've found great fun in the messages of Crush Crush, which is overall very humor/wall-breaking oriented in the first place. The guy there is so great at writing that he even made a reference to himself writing everything in the dialogues of one of the first girls, and even had me caring for some discussions and even get back to being excited when I'm not even playing for it anymore.

And... well porn games are games. I think they deserve more than a few buttons and a match-3 gameplay. HH offers very little and is a chill non-game, CC is a clicker, but sometimes I just wonder what else I could search in porn games that would decently integrate porn to a great gameplay loop.

So, I'm looking for humor, checkiness, not-to-stressful gameplay. But was wondering, what are other people looking for in porn games besides the obvious NSFW? Are there even people that look for something else?^^ Etc

huniepop 2 just came out

Games shouldnt reward you for fucking up. I think it was a metroid parody on newgrounds, and ive literally never progressed past lvl1 because if you get grabbed by an orc you get raped and why the fuck would i NOT get grabbed lmao

[+] 1 user Likes 6d69737461's post
As of now I'm playing project qt and 7 angels (from nutaku) quite often (it's probably been more than a year since I started playing these games) and I don't really play these games for the NSFW part anymore, I just like to go and play these when I'm bored. 7 angels is not bad if you like games with a bit of humor. (sorry if I made some mistakes, I'm still learning how to speak English)

[+] 1 user Likes Indigoua's post
You english is perfectly fine. Wink

Also, laughed at what mlaz4 said. I get it. I guess that's why some hide those behind progress, instead of failure. Didn't play such rpg in a long time...

Also thanks for the recommendation Indigoua. I'm not a fan of checking out too much of these 'cause I get easily taken away by the mechanics, but I'll check out 7Angels if I have time one day or the other.

Im looking for story and action

Action? That doesn't look like any porn game I've ever played. Where can I find such a title?!

i think what im looking for in porn games would be more of a romantic experience so huniepop does a great way of leading up with everything other than sex and then the actual sex because the dating sim is really great

I've been enjoying Ravager, and I'm following a game called The Inn. Development is slow and the dev is a little *interesting* but holy FUCK are his renders gorgeous.

the original huniepop game was decent tbf i havent had a look at the second one yet