Porn scene locations
Have you ever seen a location in a porn scene that you know in real life. 

I see the opening of a scene in a clip the few years ago of 2 women going to the door of a house and realised its a house/cottage that I drive past on the way to work every day

Haha, if I were you id always wait there for the actress to come out

[+] 1 user Likes Buver's post
Lmao that’s what I’d be doin bro

[+] 1 user Likes Apex Legend's post
Was the video decent?

Yeah not bad, just looked it up and it was called road trips to kent. Can't believe its 21 years old now

Yeah, there's a place outside my neighborhood I used to pass on the way to high school, surprisingly well kept, nice looking house, electric gate out front, nicest house in the area tbh, turns out the reason was because a lot of amateur porn was shot there. Nice going, considering it was about .5 miles from the school.

[+] 1 user Likes ohhhhhh's post
There's a strip joint and a brothel a couple of blocks away from me that regularly get used as porn sets. Nothing fancy.

[+] 1 user Likes wooptidoo vrtvbyg's post