Porn sounds
Am I the only one who cannot stand the fake ass sounds/faces chicks make during porn vids? Like who sounds like that during sex? All the oohs and ahhs sound like a 90s video game

In some porn it is horrible. But I think the newer more realistic porn do a better job.

honestly its like some of these chicks are compulsive, idk if they even do it on purpose anymore. but i agree, for sure

Yeah that's a reason why amateur porn is that well regarded. Fake porn sound terrible, especially Japanese porn. Lovely girls with squirrel sounds

Too much sound is awful. It only sounds good when it's used correctly, like at the climax.

That's one of the reasons I can't stand Japanese porn.

No I think that is a terrible thing to listen to. But there is more content now with more realistic sounds

need it real

yeah it can really annoy me when im watching a jav and they all have to have high pitched whines

Realistic audio is key