Post-apocalyptic movies/shows
What is your favorite post-apocalyptic movie or TV show and why? I liked The Road and The Walking Dead (it has a lot of boring fillers tho). The road seemed very realistic and horrifying, something I would expect would happen in real life.
Definitely not a fan of comedy movies like Zombieland.

Whilst my favourite Post-apocalyptic universe is in Fallout (3 & NV), movie wise I'm with you on The Road.

It really does paint a frightening picture of whats to come should one bozo decide to press a button. Vigo played it really well, the kid not so much.

not sure about favorite, but i am legend was one of the worst movies i have ever endured

anyone here tell me if twd is still good after season 7?

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walking dead gotta be up there

Edge of tomorrow and basically the same as the first reply