Prison break worth a watch?
Do you guys think watching Prison Break is worth it?
I have heard lots of contrary feedback concerning it, but the most common thing to hear is that it's really good at the beginning and gets really bad halfway through.
Anyone watched the entire thing and can concretise what makes it bad?

I am really bad at stopping series halfway through for the sake of dodging a shitty season and usually watch the entire episode list.
For GoT for example I didn't regret watching it, because until the last 1 or 2 seasons it was pretty neat. Dexter on the other hand went straight downhill after the 4th season and I rlly kind of regret watching it for that reason. Really don't wanna repeat the same thing with Prison Break if it really get's that bad for half the series, so any info is appreciated Smile

The first couple seasons are pretty good but after they actually get out, it really loses a lot...

I dropped it about midway so I'm not sure how the latter half goes, but I can say that first half (where the story takes place in the prison) was an enjoyable watch and worth it. The story post-prison is a bit a iffy. I'm guessing because there's a shift in tone, cause everything from the start was learning about prison life and seeing the thought process and efforts go into the breakout plan. After that's over, it somewhat feels like a new story imo

it starts out really good then gets convoluted and uninteresting. just watch until they actually get out of the prison and then drop the show. i'm generally unimpressed by tv shows i start watching but the first few seasons of prison break were really good

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too many episodes for no reason but also one of the best series ever made