Professional or homemade porn?
Which one do you prefer, professional porn or the homemade stuff?

I prefer homemade because the acting isn't quite as exaggerated, although porn stars are easier to get off to.

[+] 1 user Likes Tee Jay's post
I'd agree on the homemade stuff, homemade stuff has gotten better over the years professional porn is fun to watch tho.

I do like both, but in my opinion the professional stuff is often times too fake. Sure some stuff needs to be done to get hot and entertaining shots, but some of it is just to mutch for me. Homemade basically comes down to the model for me

[+] 1 user Likes LuCiFeR_187's post
I love porn that isn't as scripted. Technically that goes for amateur porn but those moments when pornstars undoubtedly are overwhelmed are the moments I live for haha.

homemade by far

Professional porn is getting geared more and more to a certain demographic, and if you aren't in that demographic, it's quite boring. All the extreme dirty talk, the fake women's orgasms, the fact that everything falls into the same basic sex routines, it's just dissapointing. All those cam girls with the same remote vibrator faking the same extreme orgasms.
I just wanna watch two normal people with normal imperfections enjoying themselves doing what ever they want to, not for anyone else.

Homemade if the quality is good, sometimes the angles are meh

homemade > professional

I prefer professional porn

Homemade always felt more real to me