Program in c or Java language
I took an it class in high school where i learned the basic of c and java programming language. Can any of the experienced programmers tell me which of them I should continue Learning. Like which One is the easiest and the most benefitial language to continue learningSmile

Neither. Learn Python.

[+] 1 user Likes fartjar's post
Both are drastically different, both in concept and use case. If you want to focus on Software Development, learn Java, if you want to do lower level programming, learn C. If you want to do game dev, learn C# (which is pretty much the same as Java, both syntax wise and functionality wise, with the only difference being at how it is executed).

C is a functional programming language, whereas Java is object oriented.
Learn what those concepts mean, learn what they are used for, and then decide.

If you aren't quite sure what you want to do, learn C. You will learn most programming languages fairly easily if you can master C.

[+] 1 user Likes bxoohho's post
I think it depends on what you want to do with it. As previous commenters said, there are "specific" uses for each one. If you want to focus on OS or lower level programming you would be better off with C, Java for apps and Android, C# for games etc. However, if you would like to experiment with hardware and boards you could either learn Python which is fairly easy or stick with C. Python would be useful for "work" (graphs, styling data etc.), basic apps and if you want for a raspberry pi. With C you can play around with drivers, chip programming or Arduino programming which would help to start different projects from home automation to an LED controller. Ultimately its what you want to do with that language.

depends on your intrest