Project Euler
If you're interested in problem solving and looking for a challenge, I can recommend checking out Project Euler. There are currently 724 mathematical/programming problems there ranging in difficulty. It's a great exercise if you haven't tried it already and a great feeling when you finally solve a problem you've been stuck on for ages.

Project Euler.

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[+] 1 user Likes illiaden2's post
Yes I agree, Project Euler is a lot of fun! Although I'm definitely stronger on the programming side than the math side haha, some of the solutions I've seen there are crazy...

[+] 1 user Likes cfdisc's post
How far did you get into it? I'm strong on the math side and basic on the programming one (I've been introduced only to C and Python). Didn't find the first ~100 exercises difficult, then I stopped. Do they get a lot harder?

[+] 1 user Likes elPerroesmicorazon's post
I think we did somewhere around the first 150 problems in a team of four people. They weren't impossible as everyone's knowledge kinda filled in everyone else's gaps. However, we did look at some harder problems and it seems like they get almost impossible. Some of the math stuff can be really daunting at the later stages.