Public transport is disgusting
Did you know bus seats are designed so you can’t tell how dirty they are? Slap a seat and see how much dust and dirt appears!  My

Yeah public transport in my country is also dirty

There's so many people who use public transport that the seats will go through a lot.

Gotta stay safe out here mann

Yah they’re filthy, wish they would clean them man

I don't find it too bad

I thought they were disgusting even before COVID. I don't live in a major city though, so I've always just driven myself.

Same with gyms. I've always thought that they were nasty, even if people wipe down machines. I've always been a home workout kind of person.

Public transport is a nightmare, but I can understand why it's a lost cause for the cleaners at the same time

Nah, depend of what country u r living.

Public transport may be bad but members of the public can be worse

yep public transport is disgusting, here we have tons of trash in our buses, it’s crazy how you can let a bus get so filthy

Amen to that! Not judging anyone who takes public transportation because I did for a long ass time but man some of them people are nasty and impolite. I thought that the entire time I took public transportation

This is all because the public transportation sector is heavily under-funded by the government (at least in the U.S.). If you go to other places like Japan, or most of Europe, their public transportation is really clean, efficient, and admired.

jerks who fill the roads with private cars and create jams, are too

It's a shame the governments were bought out by car companies in the early days