Pulling out of Afghanistan was the best thing America could do.
Im not an American Citizen and im proud of Joe Biden, he accepted that the war in afghanistan was useless for everyone and that there was no chance to "win".
The situation won't change even if America stays there for another 20years. They cant change the culture and will of the afghans, maybe only forcefully.

The pull out is/was a mess because nobody could predict that the ANA and Government just instantly gives up...

What do you guys think?



I agree, it's not our problem, we cannot fix world hunger.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Afghanistan is unfixable. Getting out wasn't the best thing we could do, but it's up there in the top 20. And poor CIA, they no longer get a cheap heroin supply.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Shouldn’t have gone there in the first place

[+] 2 users Like Nope3's post
More Iraq, less Afghanistan.

Quote: More Iraq, less Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden in '99. Turned it down.

The Taliban offered to capture and try Bin Laden by their own law in 2001/2. We turned them down.

Our politicians/MIC/glowies are fucked up.

Honestly feels like they shouldn't have been there in the first place

Lol, today is pretty clear proof that the US involvement was the best thing that happened to Afghanistan. People love to blind themselves...

thanks soooo mcuh

Great Idea, the earlier the better, would have been taken over by the Taliban in any case. These people live their the military does not.

First the Brits, then the Soviets, then the Americans... I'm just gonna start heating my popcorn bag 'cause I wanna see how the Chinese handle that...