Python or C++?
Im really thinking about learning how to program, but im quite stuck. 

Python seems easier, but C++ looks more powerful in my point of view. 
They say once you learn a programing language its easier to learn the others. So, should i start python because its easier?

I was wondering the same thing. From my experience talking to people, C++ is the way to go but wanted some other perspectives

Id start with python because it's easier to read and understand for beginners, you don't have worry about certain extra details. I started off on python and now i just program in java

Kinda depends on what you wanna accomplish. Python can be very powerful aswell and there is a lot of packages available for it. I would say definitely learn C/C++ if you are interested in system programming (not to say it's useless otherwise).

I think that what we 'want to do' is dictated by the tools and skills at our disposal. No one without any knowledge of programming knows if they want to do "systems programming" or not; they don't know anything. As you learn you'll have ideas about what you can do.

Just dive in. Flip a coin if you have to. Enjoy the process

Start with python, learn how to think like a programmer first without having to worry about how computers used to work in the 60s and 80s.
Get pycharm if you want an IDE. Out of the box it works amazingly. The inbuilt linter helps warn when you are making mistakes.
Visual studio code is also decent, but you have to install a lot of plugins to get it to be as good as pycharm.
Main advantage of vs code is that it works for multiple languages.
Once you have enough practice, transitioning to another language doesn't take long.

If you want to divide a bit at programing but just to test the water python is the way to go, but i rather recommend c++ to get the basics down. There is a book called jumping into c++, it's a great guide for beginners.

Python is known as being a good beginner language. You can start with one and then try out the other

If you’re coming from zero programming experience and self teaching just for f., start with python. It's much closer to natural language and will allow you to focus on learning the basic ideas of logic and control flow without getting bogged down in memory management.

That being said, IMO it's easier to go from a lower level language to a higher level language (e.g. from C++ to python) than the other way around due to all of the additional things you need to worry about in lower level languages.

Prototyping in python. Production in c++

I think the language does not matter so much, especially when you are getting started.

Python is great to get started and would work for programs like small tools, even some good app programs are written in Python, e.g. some torrent tools.

I am also a big fan of Perl for scripts.

Java is also good if you want to program windows apps, if you use that you will be able to use the same program in Windows, Mac and Linux.

With C++ it will be much more frustrating. I woul dstart with python

The basic logic for every programming language is same, just a change in syntax...So u can learn any language at first. C++ will make you think more logically,

Start with python definitely.

C++ can be a hard language to start with. I'd recommend starting with Python so you can get familiar with some fundamentals before getting into the weeds with memory management.

Absolutely go with Python. It is much easier, much more straightforward, and will allow you to effectively and quickly develop an intuition for programming.

Many would argue that C++ or Java are better options for beginners for reasons like they give you more freedom or learning the complicated stuff first is more effective. However, there is a reason you don't start learning mathematics with calculus. Start with Python, learn the ropes of solving problems using programming languages, and then solve those same problems with a language like C++.

For reference, I am extremely good at programming. There is almost no problem I can't solve with it, and all of my code eventually ends up working really, really well. I got there by starting with Lua (which is similar to Python) when I was young and just tinkering with it. Since then I've learned Java despite disliking it and it was very easy to do so, but Python is definitely the #1 and is surpassing every other language, including Java, in application.

To add to that, though, learning how to solve problems in your mind before programming it is extremely important, and is probably best learned through resources like 

RE: Python or C++?.

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. I would also recommend checking to see what is available on Khan Academy and using an environment like a game engine. Roblox Studio uses Lua and can easily teach you how to work with objects and functions if you watch video tutorials on YouTube.

Python and C++ have different use cases. However if you just want to learn to program in general, I would go with Python. This way you avoid having to deal with memory management

i think you should learn c++, then move to c#

Python for scripting and C++ using for other things.

python for sure

Both, but first python ^^