Python or Java
I am will to start learning how object oriented programming languages work.
And I want to learn both of Java and Python but which one is easiest to start with?

I suggest you start with Java. it would be simpler for newbies than Python.
And learning Python afterwards will be much easier.

[+] 1 user Likes CMman36's post
the guy above me is mixing them both up.

Python is much more forgiving for beginners than Java. you don't have to remember as much syntax, easier to read and understand code, and isn't as harsh in terms of errors.

I would start with Java to learn the fundamentals

Python is definitely a lot more beginner friendly. It's a newer language and becoming increasingly popular for backend services. There are also plenty of upcoming libraries for front end development putting on par with Java.

Java is way simpler but python is faster and more practically useful.

Java is a lot better for learning object-oriented programming, but Python is definitely the more beginner-friendly language that is much more commonly used. Without a doubt learn Python first and then Java.

I like Python more cus it's a lot more user friendly

java will be better to start

[+] 1 user Likes kristenmariel's post
Java will probably have a steeper learning curve, but it forces you to understand what is going on a little more in Python. As some others have said, I'd recommend Java (or C++) first for the fundamentals.
I learned java and C++ formally, then Python purely from using it. I think that learning Python as your first language would get you going pretty quickly, but you may encounter things later on that weren't ever mentioned when learning Python such as pointers, memory allocation, data types and representations etc.

[+] 1 user Likes larryberry's post
Julia, (instead of Python, i think is a more powerful language) :-)

and you get more fun  At

[+] 1 user Likes Abelard0's post
Start with Java and then move on to Python.

[+] 1 user Likes DebianV's post
python is more high level, easy to understand.

Depending on your path, I'd say python.

python is easier to start with but i dont think it is as object orientated language.

but java is good too. just keep practicing!

It highly depends on where you wanna go. I started with java back in highschool and learned python in my free time. I still need java at work every now and then but most programs i made for my company i work at are written in python.

Why not both? Learn python up until the object oriented stuff, then switch to Java.

it all depends on your path. learn what you want to learn

I'm surprised at how many people here are recommending Java before Python.
I have worked with both professionally and at this point in time I can't stand Java but that's just me.

I suppose if you wanna be a professional programmer Java will FORCE you to learn some things that you will never have to worry about in Python.

For example variables in Python are dynamically assigned so you never have to specify variable types while Java will force you to declare variable types so you will need to learn about them.

On the other hand Python is far more forgiving and simpler then Java.

If you're just looking for the easier one, Python is way easier and less frustrating but Java will force you to learn some programming concepts that are not required in Python.

Python is definitely the more beginner-friendly language. java will teach the fundamentals better, but just learn python