Quick suggestion.
I have been using this site for 4 months now.
I have made a few observations on posts etc.

To make things alot easier for members, What about doing what some members are doing and making a pictures folder and video folder.
Browsing through posts I have seen some that have gigs of material and sub folders upon sub folders sometimes with nothing in them.
I am no computer wizard, but I know tidyness on how to keep things easy for people to view.

Post that have been removed because of material that isnt allowed and it still appears in the categories.
Just another suggestion, Why not delete the offending post the same way as the member is removed from the site.
Will save alot of space on servers and also it will stop the repost bot making an appearance the following day because people have said the links don't work and it still wont work because the post is a banned topic.

I know this will get the backs of admin up because of what I have suggested.
But as I have posted before, I want a site where it is easy to click on a post and see what it is and not go through the hassle of clicking link and it comes up "post deleted due to violating terms and conditions"

Peace out and happy browsing

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