Anyone played it? Looking at it for the summer sale. I intend to only play singleplayer.

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I highly recommend

Would recommend. Very story-rich, immersive experience

The open world is amazing, story is amazing, graphics are amazing. Classic Rockstar, it's a great game.

it's on my wishlist for playing in the future, but got too much backlog to justify it.

Worth buying, has a lot of content and attention to detail to have you sink your teeth in for extended periods of time.

Certainly an experience rather than just another game. Be prepared for a somewhat slow buildup though. Stick with it to the end though, and you'll be rewarded with some of the most memorable gaming moments in recent history.

It is a good game...

but it does suffer from the same rockstar problems as GTA

if you like rockstar and like cowboys get RDR2

Highly recommend too. One of the best stories in a video game. I wouldn’t bother with multiplayer unless you have some friends to play with.

It’s a really fun game

Need to pick this up but waiting for a sale.

The best sandbox game imo. Still a lot enjoyable if you don't want to stick to the story and mess around. Great details, great landscapes, actual AI for npcs, and many cool things like that. But don't expect the arcade-like style of the GTA. RDR is more like a simulation. Good news for you if you want a more realistic game. Definitely should give it a try.

MUST PLAY!!!!!!!!!