Rather date a girl thats all natural or is plastic surgery the same thing or better?
My question to the community is if given the choice would you rather date a girl with smaller features and/or imperfections or do you think that plastic surgery is just as good or even better than all-natural. Looking at the trend across social media (pick a platform) the majority of females seem to have decided that plastic surgery is the way to go to become the woman that men want (or at least want to look at).
Given that its everyone's choice to do what the heck they want with their own body, would you particularly want the girl you want to wife or be with for many years to be natural or be more aesthetically polished with surgery or synthetic enhancements? If again it was up to you to choose and you had to make a choice...

TBH I wouldn’t mind plastic other than the face. I prefer a natural face but wouldn’t care if she had plastic surgery done for her body.

natural all the way.

100% all natural for me

Natural, i even prefer smaller features. Who cares about imperfections, im not going to act like im perfect.

mostly natural for me unless the plastic is her natural style.

Natural for sure. I find it better to embrace who we are rather than to become something we aren't through plastic surgery.

I prefer all natural. Some imperfections would be great also. Imperfections make us different and beautiful. Plastic surgery can lead to carbon copy people with no distinctive features.

All natural man, most platic surgery is botched

natural unless plastic is for covering up a bad face scar

definitely natural for me

either way is fine for me. as long as the plastic isnt out of hand, it's fine with me

Natural is preferred, but if they need help I ain’t mad at it.

Definitely all natural.
Little imperfactions make a person special. And with time you'll learn to love them.
At least that's what I think.

I find myself attracted to girls with natural features and girls who've had work done.
I don't have a problem dating either, but if my girlfriend wanted to get plastic surgery I'd probably advise against it.

As long as it's not some super bimbo look, i think i'd be okay with it. Not all surgeries look unnatural.

I don’t necessarily have a preference. But if she looks fake af then it’s a no. If she has had some work done to enhanced herself then hell yea!

i just think how interesting it is for society to have incorporated body modification as a choice like shopping. Its interesting how social media top models create these trends to have what we see today as ok. Im for both, but natural for me is top wife material i think its fascinating how a society can incorporate such an idea, and how it gets looked over easily.

and ok sure if you were born with missing parts, and want to feel like you belong and the technology is there, i dont see why not if it doesn't harm a person physically or mentally.