Real Christmas tree or fake tree?
Which Christmad tree do you prefer? Real trees or fake trees? Which type of tree do you have this year? Do you even have a tree thus year, or did you go without one this year due covid?

Growing up my family got real trees. Eventually, as me and my siblings got older, my mom made the decision to switch to a fake tree due to the mess.

I'm fine with a fake tree, I just miss the pine smell.

Personally I think that a real christmas tree has got nicer looks to it, also they have a weirdly nice smell, if you want you could always go for 2. We like to get a nice real one (the main one) and then smaller ones across the house for nice decoration. I think that is a nice way to go.

Real tree all day.

Fake one for me, specially because the lights are built in.

I much prefer fake ones, grew up with them. Not sure if i'll get one this year though

Fake ones are so much cleaner and easier to handle man

Always had fake ones, this year is no exception.

Fake trees are the way. Re-usable and not as messy, but I hear real trees smell nice and look better.
Maybe one day I'll buy and try out a real tree, but I'll stick with what works for now.

Had both but i prefer fake one because it's not as demanding as real. Natural tree can be messy but it smeels great Smile

it's a fake one for me, lights are pre installed and it's no hassle to take back into storage Smile

If it doesent bother u to set up the real one just go for it, but the fake is just simple to set

I prefer the fake one since there's no real ones here