Recommendations similar to Star Trek, Stargate, Doctor Who?
Can anyone recommend shows that are similar to Star Trek (Next Gen, Ds9, Voyager), Stargate, Doctor Who, etc? 
I've just finished rewatching Doctor Who and am now going back through Ds9 but I need something new. I'm finding it hard to figure out what to watch so I have been trying what I remember was "popular" at points in time. 
I've tried Burn Notice because it was one of those shows I heard about constantly but I dropped it 6 episodes in... 
I tried The Wire but that also made me fall asleep watching it.

Battlestar Galactica if you're continuing a science fiction binge.

[+] 1 user Likes sofaspud's post
May be kind of a stretch, but Altered Carbon on Netflix

Campy, neo-noir, and sci fi as hell though so I think if you like those other shows you would like it

[+] 2 users Like Erytoupo's post
Battlestar Galactia has been on my curious list for awhile so I think I may pick that up. 

Altered Carbon look's good. 8/10 average rating, and cyberpunk theme. 

That's two solid recommendations! I'm glad I asked!  Smile Thanks to the both of you!

WhoinTheWhatNow is right, Battlestar Galactica is one of the best series out there! You really should watch it

[+] 1 user Likes Sergent Drifter's post
The Expanse is a cracking modern sci-fi, well worth checking out.

[+] 1 user Likes andyuk88's post
8.5 average with a 5th season coming out. :o Looks, and sounds promising. Definitely adding The Expanse to my list. Thank you!!! Big Grin