Redo of a healer
So i just got done watching this anime and i am lost for words, im no shrinking violet and have seen loads of hentai like this but i cannot believe this was a mainstream anime shown on japanese tv. is this where anime is going now so there is no line between anime and hentai??

What is the concensus on this one? a step too far? or the way the industry is headed?

I liked the premise and was okay with it being kinda weird for the first couple episodes. but then all the characters remained super static. It was just revenge porn in every sense of the word. Kinda feels like red pill material..

i feel the same, first three or four episodes the character development kept me going, then i felt nothing really happend until the last episode. curious if this will get a second season

Good but only for the first half

He just ends up doing the same thing repeatedly. Gets old fast

Weak plot, flat characters.
But I watched just because Twitter was seething over it.
I would say it's a guilty pleasure.