Redpill vs Balckpill
I recently came across these two different thoughts in the dating game ,the blackpill narrative sounds pitter like almost 80% women desire only the top 20% of men  whereas  on the other hand redpill is more about improving ourselves nd understanding women more to attract , personally I think redpill is true to extent evn if blackpill is true redpill can definitely increase ur chances to be on the top 20%, what's ur take on this two narratives guys?

[+] 1 user Likes Rusf11's post
(24-04-2022, 06:24 AM)Rusf11 Wrote: I recently came across these two different thoughts in the dating game ,the blackpill narrative sounds pitter like almost 80% women desire only the top 20% of men  whereas  on the other hand redpill is more about improving ourselves nd understanding women more to attract , personally I think redpill is true to extent evn if blackpill is true redpill can definitely increase ur chances to be on the top 20%, what's ur take on this two narratives guys?

You are right - understanding women and being your best self is the way to attract women.

....both can be tru...even if girls want the top 20 they dont wanna be alone...improving urself makes u closer to the top 20% than u were b4

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
The blackpill is true the vast majority of the time, and the redpill is true 100% of the time. I'll start with the easy one: the redpill.

This is very true because self-improvement is the name of the game. Learning, getting in shape/building muscle, having constructive hobbies, good guy friends (not shitheads/druggies), and dedication to God (athiests will ignore this last part), are what we have to do. What's also necessary is teaching yourself to rely less and less on porn. The hardest part of this is learning to control your sex drive, and to turn unused sexual energy into another activity. There's a saying that's true: "Make civilized the mind, make savage the body."

The goal of this is twofold:
1. Make our bodies happy via training and self-discipline.
2. Learn to be happy with ourselves and become genuinely confident.

Before we can ever have a woman, be it in bed or a relationship, we must first be confident. The South Park Movie was right: "Chicks dig confidence." We must be genuinely happy with where we are in life before confidence can flow through us. A love of self (NOT self-centeredness) is necessary. That then gives us confidence.

Please note that confidence is NOT ego. Egos are created by humans to mask the fact that they have no actual confidence. It's fake, and that allows people to fake their way through life. It's also why people in charge make really stupid decisions, but then are able to fake their way out of the consequences.

Please also note that women conflate ego for confidence.

This is mostly true. On each of the dating/hookup sites/apps, literally, 80% of women go for the same 20% of men. Why? Consider their "Rule of Six":
- Men have to be at least 6' tall;
- Men have to have at least a 6" dick;
- Men have to have at least a 6 figure salary;
- Men being good looking is assumed in this saying.

And so you have the 80% of women chasing the top 20% of men because they have all those attributes. Their goal is to get those men to marry them so that they never have to work again, and have a man of that type, so that they can stick it to the other women (yes, they are that shallow). And that same 80% truly believe that, if they flirt with them right/play the right mental games, they can get what they want. The sex is actually secondary, and while they'll fuck them sometimes, and play shitty sex games with them, they'd rather cheat once in a relationship, partly to prove to the man that they're the ones in control of the relationship, and party to stick it to their dads. Those are the 80%. And they come in all shapes and sizes and races and creeds.

The bottom 80% of men then chase the bottom 20% of females. You get some fucked up combinations there.

Isn't this game lovely? Yet people try to find LOVE in this. Love?! In a place where ego and lies and dominate the battlefield? And yet, there's a whole massive reddit sub dedicated to finding love on the dating apps.

This is where the blackpill is completely true. That's why finding a woman for love or hookups is worthless on the dating sites/apps.

Where the blackpill is mostly true is dating in the real world. Most women want the game up front, and want lots of attention up front. They want things bought for them, they want flirting, attention, and to look good in front of others. In exchange, you might get laid occasionally, and she'll always go for someone better than you behind your back. Again, this is most women in the dating pool, which is why the blackpill is only mostly true here.

You can't find a woman unless you two have been put together ahead of time in the spirit realm. (Most people resist this, and choose to find hookups instead. This, obviously, wrecks that plan..)

Once you are confident and truly happy with yourself (and not egotistical), then that's when women will notice. While women will notice you, you'll be able to narrow down the dating pool by eliminating the game-playing women. This will take a while.

What will take even longer is the right girl coming along. Assuming she is actually ready (they have to work on themselves, too), then you guys will just naturally get together. You'll feel it in spirit just before it happens, and get it confirmed in spirit, as it happens.

That's the easy way of putting all of it.

Aaannnddd that's all I got.