Replica items
What are your guys opinions on replica items? Popular things that people create replicas of are shoes, clothes, watches. I really want a luxury watch but can’t afford the 4 digit price tag that comes with it. Should I get a replica?

I don't really like the idea of "Luxury items", like Vitton or Gucci stuff. Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely some well made luxury items, but this kinda brand is not my stuff.
I think you should ask yourself : why do you want this item? If it's just for the aesthetic, go for the replica, but if you like the history, mechanic aspects of watches, maybe try to save some money up?

If you want name brand stuff, buy the cheapo Chinese knockoff. Larp in style, it's the only way to go.

don't get a replica watch, luxury items are considered luxury for a reason.