Written collaboratively by largely anonymous volunteers known as Wikipedians, Wikipedia articles can be edited by anyone with Internet access, except in limited cases where editing is restricted to prevent disruption or vandalism. Since its creation on January 15, 2001, it has grown into the world's largest reference website, attracting over a billion visitors each month. Wikipedia currently has more than sixty-three million articles in more than 300 languages, including 6,888,896 articles in English, with 117,842 active contributors in the past month.
Written collaboratively by largely anonymous volunteers known as Wikipedians, Wikipedia articles can be edited by anyone with Internet access, except in limited cases where editing is restricted to prevent disruption or vandalism. Since its creation on January 15, 2001, it has grown into the world's largest reference website, attracting over a billion visitors each month. Wikipedia currently has more than sixty-three million articles in more than 300 languages, including 6,888,896 articles in English, with 117,842 active contributors in the past month.