Hey guys, does any one know who this girl is? Or her whole name maybe? Lots of thanks.

[Image: Leaked-BB-com-Repost-121.jpg]

[Image: Leaked-BB-com-Repost-11.jpg]

[Image: Leaked-BB-com-Repost-155.jpg]


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[+] 4 users Like carry1232175's post
Yes I know her very well. She is actually a fantastic person, and has a hilarious personality. She’s upset that these got leaked, she was tricked of course, and she feels bad. But she accepted it and moved on. That’s all the information I’m giving. Don’t fuck with her or do anything else to mess with her life, she’s been through enough. As a personal favor to me.

Any mega link?

doe this work

Thnks for the sharing

Yeah she's cool, I think we've met before. Her name isn't chloe. Scammers are posting her pics under numerous names on multiple sites. Twitter, tumblr, escort sites, etc.

ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty

ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty

dgkjvljm iolug pil8t o8  o87t oi7lt fp866tp7 i7t

Lets sereeee