
Request Penelope_Krush aka PenelopeKrush on Periscope

She used to go as Penelope_krush PenelopeKrush and itsPenelope Does anyone have any info on this girl I’ve been looking for her since I first saw her periscope videos a couple years ago apparently she got banned and I can’t find her anywhere now[Image: 2-F97-DAC4-0-D01-4-D7-C-A6-EC-8-E69964-B1-F75.jpg]

[Image: 7-A84-DE4-D-FD17-4497-8-AA5-23836-F3-DC6-A3.jpg]

[Image: AB4354-C9-9-E4-B-4-B9-A-9-DFA-32-FEC1-EDD308.jpg]
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