Running out of Anime
With COVID this last year i have caught up on most Anime i had put off over the years that i wanted to watch. There are still some Fate series i am thinking of watching like the Grand Order but other then that i am having a hard time finding something new i haven't seen, Any good obscure anime anyone knows of that might not have been on my radar?

Or just what Anime have you been watching that you are really enjoying?

Gintama is amazing

[+] 1 user Likes Divc09's post
Thats one i i have always heard good things about but never actually started and keep forgetting about, ill give it a look thanks. If i remember correctly it references a bunch of different stuff.

You can watch
Project K
Seven deadly sins
God of highschool
Is this a zombie
Date a live
Shingeki no bahamut
Kaze no stigma
Luck and logic
Devine gate
Black cat
Plastic memories
Brave 10
Uq holder
King's game
Log horizon
Strike the blood
Gin no guardian
God eater

You can also start to read webtoons/manhua. Thats what I did when I got bored and I dont regret it

[+] 1 user Likes Bigbenis12's post
great list, there are a few in there i dont think i have seen that i will need check out like plastic memories, luck and logic, and divine gate. I have also though about looking into manga of anime i like, haven't really looked into webtoons/manhua but will see what they are like, Thanks

World Trigger maybe?

watch Megalo box

Seirei no Moribito

Ajin on Netflix I'd good