SSD brands
In the market for a new SSD, are there any real differences between the big brands. Feeling a little out of my depth here.

Seems like the Western Digitals, Seagate, Sandisk, Crucial and Samsung are all similar pricing, but there's also a whole lot of cheaper brands. Is there much of a difference between them for an OS drive?

I’ve had a sea gate one for years and don’t have any complaints so far

I may just check that out. Seagate does appear to have some good sales

I'd say Samsung is probably the most reliable. WD makes good ones too, with WD Black having better performance than the other ones.
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Probably not going to notice a difference between them, I've had a samsung for 5 years now and had no issues with it
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if its for the main drive, go for the one with a longer warranty.
if its for steam library , go cheap with the largest space ,just make sure it has DRAM cache and you are set.

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that's good advice. I'll run with the samsung then as it will be for main drive

I’ve been using SeaGate for years and they’ve never failed me.

try to check if u can get an OEM m.2 SSD its cheaper for almost the same performance i think samsung has one

Samsung EVO SSDs are fantastic.