Is anyone on here invested in meme stonks? Lmao 
I’m a proud Ape here

Unfortunately for me, I shied away. Hopefully you have been making money.

I don't like the stock market, but I hope you made some good cash on that. It was nice to see that all the GME/AMC drama deep sixed one of the (millions of) venture capital firms.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Hahaha thanks man, yes I’ve made a good chunk of money from the meme stonks but that’s just the cherry on top of the giant middle finger that we’ve given the hedge funds

[+] 1 user Likes tiktokjac lop's post
Hope you made some money with it. I never bought in personally.

Quote: Hahaha thanks man, yes I’ve made a good chunk of money from the meme stonks but that’s just the cherry on top of the giant middle finger that we’ve given the hedge funds
Glad you got in on that, mate! Now if we can only get more intel on which stocks these hedge funds and their vulture capital owners are doing next. We know what their Achilees Heel is now: those stupid fucking contracts they have that come with painful interest if not completed properly. That would start the process of fucking the corruption on Wall Street.

Now if we could only get Congress to kick the ass of the SEC...

Hmm, stonks.

Oonk Oonk Oonk! Ape is here!!

dangerous hobby Tongue

[+] 1 user Likes bimbam12's post
I was, but sold em all.


Stonks is stonks