Seinfeld Last Episode Aired Today
This was a great show that I've rewatched on Hulu a few times since. Some people hated the final episode, some loved it. Which are you? I thought it was brilliant.

I neither liked it nor hated it, perhaps it's not as satisfying as other finales but I couldn't say there was a sitcom with a very memorable ending.

I thought Seinfeld was really boring and self-righteous. Kramer was the only thing salveagable out of that show.

Seinfeld for me, growing up, was one of those shows that should be put on during dinner, same as Simpsons.

Seinfeld for me

Oh damn I thought
You meant the show just ended today ahha

Anjak where have you been haha. But as for the show I've always liked Seinfeld. Nice to have something to watch thats laid back and funny.