Server side JavaScript
I might have to learn this language for my job. How hard is it to learn relative to other programming languages? I feel like I pick up most languages pretty quickly but there have been a couple that have taken a little longer. Any experiences with it or helpful resources would be appreciated?

A bit late to the party but yeah, as with every other language - google is your only and best friend.

If you can code decently in any lang, you're probably not going to have any problems as the logic will back you up. JS does have some quirks compared to java/C#/c for example, but you get used to it quickly. The biggest advantage is that it's veeeery popular, so there's a lot of people asking questions and getting answers, so you shouldn't spend much looking for a solution when you face a problem.

There's also a humongous amount of helper libraries, depending on what exactly you will work on, that you can take advantage of.

I'd advise against following any step by step "learn javascript in 2 min" sites/videos. Write up a simple project and work on it, and google whatever you can that you encounter (inheritance, polymorphism, etc etc) and you'll quickly grow into it.