Sex in a lucid dream
I recently came to know about lucid dreaming, 
 the dreaming person will be aware that he will be aware that he is a dream and some cases maybe control it.
Has anyone experienced it ?
There is also possiblity of having sex in it , will anyone try it?

[+] 2 users Like Rusf11's post
Want credits please let me know when you have time for the day Hi

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I've had lucid dreams before, but sometimes they just end up with me in sleep paralysis and a nightmare starts. Though I do remember lucid dreaming a titty fucking a random girl. This was ages ago however.

[+] 2 users Like Tensei's post
I regularly lucid dream, about 3-4 times a week, and done just about anything from group sex to murder. There's some restrictions though (for me at least). I can't magically make things appear or magically change the location (teleporting/flying is ok!). I also can't control what other people do or think. So for instance, whether a girl rejects me or someone is trying to kill me, I can't change their minds about it. I can only control my own actions. On top that, if you've never experienced a sensation or feeling in real life, your mind will just make it up. The amount of times I've gotten shot or stabbed in a dream and just walked it off like I stubbed a toe for example lol. Or certain foods I've never eaten before would end up tasting like nothing.

And if you die in your lucid dream, you just wake up. I've tested it out by jumping off a skyscraper before, so you can just always force exit.

[+] 2 users Like ceratsiv's post
That's pretty cool. How long have you been doing this?

Earliest I can recall is in college. I'd wake up in a dream in my own home instead of my college dorm for example. That would give me the thought, "this isn't right, I'm not suppose to be here right now" sort of thought and immediately realize that I'm dreaming. Basically the trick is to somehow make yourself realize that something is off, whether you're in a location you shouldn't be in or something as simple as your phone case being a different color than what you normally use. Once that happens, you should be able to control your own actions.

I'm really interresed in lucid dream, but I never could do that. But I dont thing you have the same sensation when you are doing sex in your dream.
But you remind me, If you are about ejaculate in your dream, then you will do IRL?

I feel like it's mostly a similar sensation, maybe 70-80% similar. My guess is that your mind just replays the sensations of past experiences. It's like for example needing to pee irl, but you're still asleep so you have a dream about waking up to go pee. You get the sensation of actually peeing, but don't get the full satisfaction since you still need to pee irl after all.

As for ejaculating IRL, I'm not sure. It's never happened to me. I know wet dreams are a thing, but that's normally around puberty only (?). I guess it'll depend on person to person based on whether it's enough for them to ejaculate without physical stimulation maybe. That, or they have a habit of grinding in their sleep

I had it once when i was teenager

I had some lucid dreams before but I could never trigger them myself. It would just happen sometime in the middle of the dream. Then when I realize that I'm dreaming I just have a brain fart and just adjust the dream to my normal everyday life. So any crazy thing happening in the dream is gone and my dreams become boring after, then I wake up

Honestly this is the first time i'm hearing of this LOL i never had it.... pretty interesting.... hahahaha

I've had lucid dreams before but never tried sex

Had lucid dream often, but never tried to have sex in it. When you have sex you get excited, it's hard to maintain the lucid when that happens so i just chill

Anytime I end up lucid dreaming it always turns into a power struggle. It's like I'm trying to keep myself from lucid dreaming. This leads to a lot of non-con in those dreams.